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About our Founder
Yvonne Coulson

The Full Story
Our founder, Yvonne Coulson, had first-hand experience, caring for her husband who served in the Air Force for 26 years and fought in the Vietnam War. He returned home after being injured in the line of duty, which caused her and her family to embark on new and unfamiliar territory. She, as his primary care-taker, was faced with many challenges trying to find resources, applying for benefits, working with the VA and more. Nevertheless, she and her family stuck together and did what was necessary to provide proper care for her husband. Fortunately, she had a great support system, her family. After his transition, she was determined to be a strong advocate and resource for Veterans and their families. This commitment led to the birth of New Horizon 4 Life (NH4L), a dedication to her husband.
We know Vets, disabled adults and their families are facing many of the same challenges and hardships due to lack of resources and support. NH4L understands that most Veterans arriving home from service may not have a strong support system, limited resources, or a family struggling to care for them because of PTSD or other disabilities. Through our community partners NH4L is able to provide our clients and their family with a reliable support system, advocacy, and resources.
More About the Founder
A little more about our Founder, Yvonne Coulson... She is a passionate and caring woman who has multiple degrees in Sociology, Psychology and Behavioral Science. As mentioned, she is committed to bridging the gap in social services and needs of Vets as they transition into a civilian lifestyle. The purpose of New Horizon 4 Life is to be a reliable resource for Veterans and individuals with disabilities, ensuring they too are recognized and represented in their communities.
Furthermore, Yvonne is a Facilitator for NAMI, she instructs the Family-to-Family class for families and friends of people with mental health conditions, this class is designed to give participants a better understanding of health conditions, increase coping skills and empower participants to become advocates for their family members.